project 2.

not coming along like I’d hoped. The idea I originally had of a left v. right doesn’t jibe with my own beliefs. I am thinking of doing this project more along the lines of some of the crazy coming from conservatives, particularly when it comes to religion, women’s rights, LGBT rights etc. Not a week goes by when I see something newer and more puzzling coming from the likes of Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh etc. I have also compiled sound bites in Audition that vilify ‘Liberal Media’. I would like to show how the conservative media manipulates the masses, while using scare tactics and wild conspiracy theories. While I had wanted to do both sides, the conservatives are providing me with the most material. I am adding more screen shots and sound bites, but I can’t post the soundbites to the blog.

Project 2 coming along

One week gone by, and LVR is rolling along slowly. As for its final form I am not sure what to do with it, but I have been compiling pics and recording sounds from various political websites from both sides of the aisle. My politics lean left, so  I haven’t quite decided whether I want to be impartial, or just compile a piece where the right comes off as dastardly and underhanded, while the left side comes off as completely reasonable.  Whether i want to do it as an art installation or as a video of someone going down the internet’s political rabbit hole remains to be seen. Capture10-300x202




FireShot Screen Capture #006 - 'FARK_com_ Politics links' - www_fark_com_politics

FireShot Screen Capture #007 - 'DRUDGE REPORT 2013®' - www_drudgereport_com

FireShot Screen Capture #008 - 'U_S_ Political News, Opinion and Analysis - HuffPost Politics' - www_huffingtonpost_com_politics

FireShot Screen Capture #011 - 'Daily Kos __ News Community Action' - www_dailykos_com

FireShot Screen Capture #010 - 'Talking Points Memo I Breaking News and Analysis I TPM' - talkingpointsmemo_com

FireShot Screen Capture #009 - 'Current TV I Politics, News Analysis, Commentary and Opinion' - current_com

FireShot Screen Capture #014 - 'Bozell, Hannity Examine 'Media Onslaught' Against Marco Rubio's Response to State of the Union I NewsBusters' - newsbusters_org_blogs_ken-shepherd_2013_02_15_media-mash-state-union-ed



FireShot Screen Capture #015 - 'Rush mocks kids for wanting to live - Salon_com' - www_salon_com_2013_01_16_rush_mocks_kids_for_wanting_to_live








GOP Candidate Rick Santorum Holds Super Tuesday Night Gathering In Ohio




Idea for Project 2

My next concept is for a project tentatively titled L V R or left vs. right. I want it to be a statement on how the internet has affected the political narrative in this country, especially since the election of Barack Obama. I want to show how the country has been divided along party lines and along common sense. My plan is to use 2 monitors, each running a seperate mini movie comprised of screen shots of various political online rhetoric.

Artist Statement. OLD video (fixed)


I decided on ‘old’ as a topic, because the realization hits me in the face on a daily basis. I wanted to show a warts-and-all portrayal of a man who may or may not be going through a midlife crisis, and spends many hours of the day around those younger than him. I also came into this project with some trepidation as all of my classmates are half my age. Up until this point there was usually someone in a class with nearly the same life experience, but this semester has been unique. I began with waking up, and my daily routine, only now it’s got a few added wrinkles (just like myself). The real topper was having to get reading glasses this year, after spending my whole life bragging about my perfect vision. I decided on the still images, making sure they were highly detailed. I chose to do this with no assistance, and the project kept evolving daily, opening itself to new possibilities. I had to sadly reign it in, or it would have completely gotten away from me. I am not going to make high-minded art references or avant-garde name drops, because I did my own in this body for 43 years.