project 3

Project 3 is going to be about non-belief. In an age of scientific wonder and the proliferation of the internet, why do so many get their panties in a bunch when you question their faith in a mythical being? Why put so much time and effort into the intangible, when there is so much in front of you? I want this project to address these questions, as well as the discrimination and other issues that atheists face. It is after all supposed to be a civil right in this country to believe what you want to.

Project 2. Right!!

This is my indictment of the extreme idiocy that has happened over the past few years, with the dawn of social media, and the election of Barack Obama. This is a small compilation, using the words and statements of various pundits and politicians who find the most ridiculous things to say, yet people eat it like cake. Palin, Santorum, Bachmann, Oreilly, Beck , Hannity, and especially Limbaugh have seen their shining stars begin to flicker out, and I hope this piece would help that process along. The so-called Tea Party movement burst on the scene in a wave of hysteria and is going out with a whimper. I thought I would include not only the controversial, but also the outright stupid things these people (who still have mass followings) have said and continue saying. The marching music symbolizes their phony patriotism, which their fans think is real (and march in line to it). I decided to end it with various people and controversies ( Trump, Orly Taitz, Michelle at the Oscars,etc,) that seem to get these people into a froth, thus doing the same for their acolytes. I ended it with the one thing these pundits and pols seem to be mad about..Barack Obama is in the White House.